Practical genAI in videos for learning and assessment
I recently went along to a University of Liverpool symposium showcasing case studies of generative AI in teaching, learning and assessment. The presenters and audience were predominantly from an HE background but the content, augmented by the suggestions from other educators in the chat provided some great transferable ideas. The focus was on multimodal learning, which is academic speak for multimedia, apparently multimodal has more emphasis on the design and process (but when has a good educator ever really preferred style over substance!?) The big timesavers with the most impact were in using generative AI tools to speed up creating […]
Videos series about AI in VET
Experts and students from the Swiss Federal University for […]
Adoption and impact
When we talk about education and training we tend to focus on teachers and trainers in vocational schools. But there is a whole other sector known as L&D – Learning and Development. According to the Association for Talent Development, the term learning and development, encompasses any professional development a business provides to its employees. It is considered to be a core area of human resources management, and may sometimes be referred to as training and development, learning and performance, or talent development (TD). Phil Hardman is a researcher and L&D professional. Her weekly newsletter is in interesting because of her […]