From our blog

AI Pioneers Update: Advancing Education Through AI Tools and Ethical Frameworks
We are happy to share some exciting developments from the AI Pioneers project as we continue to push...
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 16.43
What is a Generative Pretrained Transformer
Ever wondered what that GPT in ChatGPT stood for. Yes, you guessed, its a Generative Pretrained Transformer....
CatherineBreslin-RensDimmendaalStrawberriesand milk-1280x320
Prompting is a Skill
Catherine Breslin & Rens Dimmendaal / Better Images of AI / Strawberries and milk / CC-BY 4.0 I...
AI, vocational educational education and training and the International Baccalaureate
Uni Bremen informs: Artificial intelligence as a mentor for lifelong learning
In the “Uni Bremen informs” series, we report on the research and development activities...
Scenarios of the future of work
Clarote & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / AI Mural / CC-BY 4.0 A recent report on analysis by...

Project news

Recording of the session "AI and the Future of Adult Education and VET" is available now!
We are happy to share that the recording of the “AI and the Future of Adult Education and VET”...
Join AIPioneers' webinar on EDEN EODLW 2023
6-10 November 2023, EDEN is hosting the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) themed Education...
Insights from the AI in Education Survey for AI Pioneers project
The project’s goals span from formulating AI policy recommendations and ethical use guidelines...
aipioneers website
The first project Newsletter is out!
The first project newsletter has now been released! It gives an overview of the first six project implementation...
Scientific Conference of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
On June 13, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training...

Project outcomes

European Reference Network of AI Pioneers

A sustainable network of leading teachers and trainers, educational planners, stakeholders and policy makers in European countries in the use of AI in education and training

Supplement to European DigCompEdu Framework

Identify new skills and competences required by teachers and trainers for the use of AI for teaching and learning as a supplement to the DigCompEdu European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators.

Tools and Resources

To identify best practices in about the use of AI in education. To develop tools and resources on the use of AI for teaching and learning in VET and Adult Education. To develop tools and resources on AI as a subject for teaching and learning.

Ethics and Policy

To research, develop and consult on policies and protocols for the use of AI in Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. To develop a Guide to ethical practices for the use of AI in education and Training in Europe

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Do teachers spot ? Evaluating the detectability of AI-generated texts among student essays
"Generative AI can simulate student essay writing in a way that is undetectable for teachers.
•Teachers are overconfident in their source identification.
•AI-generated essays tend to be assessed more positively than student-written texts."

Jeg har anmeldt bogen "Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity" Det bedste ved bogen er, at den så klart viser sammenhængen mellem akademisk integritet og de studerendes læreprocesser. Dette peger også på, at den måde, studerende bliver bedømt på, måske ikke er særlig hensigtsmæssig, da der ofte ikke er sammenhæng mellem uddannelsens mål og de måder, hvorpå man vurderer dem.
#AIEd #skolechat #GenKI

Anmeldelse af: 60+ Ideas - ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today af Yee, Whittington, Doggette & Uttich "Generativ kunstig intelligens bør i sammenhæng med uddannelse udelukkende anvendes som en del af studerendes læringsprocesser og ikke til at generere output som ubearbejdet inddrages i studerendes afleveringer eller eksamener. Som bogen også demonstrerer, så skal værktøjerne styrke læringen og ikke være en erstatning for den." #skolechat #GenKI #AIEd

The preprint of our article (accepted at the journal Open Praxis) is now live!

Assistant, Parrot, or Colonizing Loudspeaker? Metaphors for Developing Critical AI Literacies

By @mettalrose yasser tamer @amills & me

There's a language gap between theory and practice in AI and education. Are you up for the challenge of bridging it? #AIinEd #AIed #AIPioneers

Wonderful sessions with Digico Global this morning on AI literacy. In my session we explored practical exercises to teach the basics of AI in a simple digestible way, and fostering and maintaining motivation amongst learners.
Any answers to share do let me know...
#AIinEd #AIEd #AISchools

First in a series of four interviews with experts on AI in Education. This one - 'AI: How do we make explainability open to practitioners and practice?' features Helen Beetham from the UK.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.