Artificial intelligence in teaching – an event at the University of Bremen
The ‘Day of Teaching’ takes place annually at the University of Bremen with various events. This year’s central event was dedicated to an exchange on the topic of “Artificial intelligence in teaching – current experiences and developments”.
The keynote speech was given by Prof Dr Hendrik Drachsler (Academic Director of ‘studium digitale’ University of Frankfurt, Professor of Educational Technologies DIPF), who primarily reported on experiences with the use of AI in teaching in the context of various research projects. As part of this, tools were developed for role-based collaborative development and reflection of learning designs in real-time. Furthermore, the application of learning analytics for formative feedback of explanatory videos was used. In addition, interdisciplinary collaboration and the transfer into practice, as well as the generation of authentic data as output, are of great interest here.
The keynote speech was followed by two workshop formats. One workshop was dedicated to the question: How can AI be used to make teaching more challenging and student-centred? In this respect, the workshop was structured on the basis of impulses from the study programs at the University of Bremen. A second workshop dealt with various AI tools, with trial and error at the centre of the event. These events were attended by members of the Erasmus+ project teams of AI Pioneers and AI4ED.
Below is a list of current publications by Prof Dr Hendrik Drachsler.
Ahmad, A., Schneider, J., Weidlich, J., Daniele Di Mitri, Jane Yin-Kim Yau, Schiffner, D., & Hendrik Drachsler. (2022). What Indicators Can I Serve You with? An Evaluation of a Research-Driven Learning Analytics Indicator Repository.
Drachsler, H. (2023). Towards highly informative learning analytics. Open Universiteit 2023.
Menzel, L., Gombert, S., Weidlich, J., Fink, A., Frey, A., & Hendrik Drachsler. (2023). Why You Should Give Your Students Automatic Process Feedback on Their Collaboration: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 198–212.
Tsai, Y.-S., Rates, D., Moreno-Marcos, P. M., Muñoz-Merino, P. J., Jivet, I., Scheffel, M., Drachsler, H., Delgado Kloos, C., & Gašević, D. (2020). Learning analytics in European higher education—Trends and barriers. Computers & Education, 155, 103933.
Wollny, S., Daniele Di Mitri, Ioana Jivet, Muñoz-Merino, P. J., Scheffel, M., Schneider, J., Tsai, Y.-S., Whitelock-Wainwright, A., Dragan Gašević, & Hendrik Drachsler. (2023). Students’ expectations of Learning Analytics across Europe.