15th May: Networking event – Science meets Practice – AI and Robotics in Vocational Education and Training from Germany
The Institute for Technology and Education (ITB), as a project partner of the Erasmus+-funded AI Pioneers project, has invited representatives from research, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and vocational schools to a joint workshop entitled “Science meets Practice – AI and Robotics in Vocational Education and Training” on May 15.
Recently, applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in vocational education and training have become increasingly important, resulting in a large number of research and development projects in a wide variety of contexts. In many ways, initial attempts are already being made to integrate AI into vocational training and to test pilot applications of AI systems. A wide range of efforts to use AI are being made by committed teachers at vocational schools, by the BIBB as part of the Leando portal for training and examination staff as well as by various ITB research projects.
The workshop focused on the exchange of various implementation examples of the use of AI in vocational education and training between research and practice in order to consider and jointly discuss questions of implementation, effects, as well as opportunities and limitations. A total of 22 people took part in the online event via Zoom.
The workshop was held at the Institute Technology and Education (ITB) at the University of Bremen in Bremen in Germany at May 15th in 2024.
Please click on the button below to have a look at the workshop documentation (coming soon).