
Workshop for AI image recognition software

Actors involved

Teachers, Students and AI developers

AI technologies used

Image recognition software for robotics.

Planned activities

The image recognition software was used to develop an example for students of how a roll of adhesive tape can be identified by image recognition, regardless of its position. The roll of adhesive tape is then placed on an unwinding reel by a robot.


There is no standardized system for the use of AI that could be taught to trainees for use in their companies. As a result, all companies have so far had to rely on a few AI pioneer companies as external service providers for AI applications, which, however, pursue a pricing policy that makes AI applications uneconomical for most companies from the outset due to their individual position.
Application software would have to be developed for trainees that makes it possible to use AI for operational applications universally with little programming effort as a low-code or no-code application and that establishes itself as a quasi-standard in industry and trade or is also supported by a standards body.

Project origin

The software developed for teaching at vocational schools was developed by vocational school teachers as a very simplified example to demonstrate and teach students the basic function of AI. No public funding from the federal government is involved in this example.

Lesson planning

The existing offer is integrated into teaching sequences on robotics.

Technical requirements

Smart Factory from Festo – provides an example of how AI can work in principle.

External stakeholders

The teachers approached well-known AI developers to talk about their solutions and methods and to further develop their learning software, but the companies cited confidentiality as trade secrets and showed no interest in developing a user-friendly tool.

Issues encountered

In addition to software, correspondingly powerful hardware must be procured. Image recognition in this didactic-technical context was classified as ethically uncritical, as no personal data is processed, but only sample components were photographed.

About Results

The results were discussed with the students and among the teachers. The results are also disseminated via the school’s website and presented at school events.

Links to external resources

Table of Contents

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.