

The following guidelines have been developed based on data collected through literature review and analysis of interviews with practitioners. The aim is to establish a framework for the successful and ethical integration of AI in education, focusing on positive aspects while concurrently addressing potential challenges and concerns.

Prioritize Personalization and Student-Centric Approaches: leverage AI to provide personalized tutoring, customized instructional strategies, and activities tailored to individual learners. Focus on addressing the unique needs and characteristics of each student.

Promote Motivation and Engagement: implement AI tools that contribute to increased motivation and engagement, especially in subjects like STEM. Design educational experiences that capture students’ interest and foster a positive learning environment.

Enhance Efficiency in Assessment for Educators: integrate AI tools to streamline and enhance the efficiency of assessment processes for teachers and trainers. This enables educators to dedicate more time to developing effective teaching strategies.

Leverage Data-Driven Insights: harness the power of AI’s data collection and analysis capabilities to gain valuable insights into students’ study habits and learning processes. Use this information to inform instructional approaches and interventions.

Implement Early Intervention Strategies: using AI for constant monitoring to identify students at risk of dropout. Develop early intervention strategies to address difficulties promptly and maintain high motivation among students.

Ensure Accessibility and Inclusivity: when implementing AI, focus on making education more accessible and inclusive. Provide study materials that are available at any time and place, ensuring that students, including those with disabilities, can participate in classes.

Address Technical and Training Challenges: proactively address challenges related to the availability of technical equipment, staffing, and the need for student training. Ensure that there is adequate support and resources for successful AI integration.

Promote Transparency and Ethical Considerations: prioritize transparency in the use of AI tools, especially those provided by private entities. Implement ethical considerations to address issues related to biases, cultural sensitivity, and data protection. Ensure that students and educators are informed about how AI tools operate and their impact.

Developing a Network of Collaborations: cultivate relationships with both public entities and autonomous initiatives by teachers to build a robust network of collaborations. This will foster greater flexibility in organizing training courses.

Actively Engaging Administrative Bodies: promote close collaboration with the administrative bodies of schools and institutions, especially concerning autonomous initiatives. This can facilitate the coordination and management of educational activities.

Seeking Support from State Programs: maintain sensitivity and attention to the guidelines of state programs, integrating educational objectives with national initiatives to ensure alignment with regulations.

Promoting Operational Flexibility: adopt a flexible and adaptable approach to the dynamics of the educational sector. This will enable a prompt response to the evolving needs of students and the educational environment.

Table of Contents

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.