
Brisk Teaching


Brisk Teaching is an innovative Chrome extension that revolutionizes teaching and assessment. Seamlessly integrating with platforms like Google Docs, Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology, it leverages cutting-edge AI to simplify labor-intensive tasks for educators. By automating content creation, analysing student writing, leveling text, and providing personalised feedback, Brisk Teaching saves teachers time. Students benefit from tailored learning experiences and individualised feedback, while educators enhance their teaching effectiveness and streamline workflows. It’s a powerful ally for modern educators, compliant with privacy regulations, and available as a free Chrome extension.

Could be useful for

  • Content Creation: Teachers can quickly generate quizzes tailored to their curriculum. Educators can create customized lesson plans efficiently. Brisk helps in designing rubrics for assessing student work. For example, create a quiz on electrical safety regulations for electricians in VET training / create a quiz on Python syntax, SQL queries, or cybersecurity best practices.
  • Student Feedback: Brisk enables teachers to provide detailed and personalized feedback on student assignments. Example in VET teaching: After assessing a welding project, use Brisk to highlight areas for improvement in technique or safety precautions. Also, a teacher can use Brisk to leave voice comments on videos or practical demonstrations. For example, assess a student’s carpentry skills by providing audio feedback on their woodworking techniques.
  • Text Leveling and Differentiation: it allows educators to level text based on student reading abilities. This feature ensures that materials are appropriately challenging for each student. Teachers can differentiate materials by adjusting the complexity of texts to meet individual needs. Example: if teaching VET course in Food and beverages, modify recipes to match different skill levels (novice, intermediate, advanced) / When teaching networking, modify technical documentation to suit different skill levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
  • Inspecting Student Writing: Brisk overlays on top of existing teacher tools and Google Docs, making it easy to inspect student writing directly within the workspace. Example: When evaluating a student’s CAD design for a mechanical part, Brisk can help you identify design flaws or missing dimensions.
  • Privacy and Compliance: Brisk complies with privacy regulations, ensuring student data protection.


EdTech Cool Tool – Brisk:


Not equired

Technical features

Browser extension


External material

Table of Contents

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.